Bright Lights: The Essential Commercial Lighting Maintenance Tips

Bright Lights: The Essential Commercial Lighting Maintenance Tips

Did you know that the industrial and commercial LED lighting segment is expected to climb to $296 billion by 2027

Whether you’re a property manager, facility manager, or commercial building owner in the Tampa Bay, Florida area, commercial lighting is something you’ll need. But if you invest in such lighting, you also need to maintain it.

Keep reading to see the commercial lighting maintenance tips you need to know.

Check Bulbs Periodically

It might seem obvious to recommend checking your lightbulbs periodically. But a lot of people overlook this simple yet vital commercial lighting maintenance task.

Upon checking, you’ll see if there are burnt-out or otherwise non-functional bulbs that need to be replaced. If you find that bulbs are frequently konking out, you’ll want to investigate further to see if there’s an electrical problem.

Scheduling commercial lighting inspections will help to keep the light on.

Use the Right Lights

Did you know that LED lightbulbs last longer than other types of light bulbs?

An LED lightbulb can last up to five times longer than a compact fluorescent lightbulb and over 30 times longer than a traditional incandescent lightbulb. 

One of the more important commercial lighting maintenance tips is to save money by spending money. Getting quality LED bulbs will cost more than getting incandescent bulbs. But the former will outlast the latter by a lot.

That means fewer problems with fading lights or burnt-out lights and fewer manhours used to replace lightbulbs.

Clean Fixtures

Don’t forget to clean the fixtures when running commercial lighting maintenance and doing light fixture inspections. You’ll need to use a rag to clean off dirt, dust, and debris from the fixtures. Failing to do this will adversely impact the functionality and lifespan of your bulbs.

Problems can range from dim lightbulbs to overheating lightbulbs. And if these problems are allowed to persist for too long, then the lightbulbs can become non-functional. So, regular business lighting maintenance is a must.

Assess Lighting Presets

In addition to checking the lightbulbs, you’ll also want to check the presets. What this means is going through the dimmers and timers. You want to ensure that they’re working properly, and this can only be done by regular testing.

If you have employees working the night shift, you want to know that certain lights automatically turn on in, say, the parking lot or along the walkway. Test them regularly and then get any problems fixed as soon as possible.

Use the Right Components

It’s also critical that you use the right components with your commercial lighting system. So, if you need to replace controls, drivers, or other parts, ensure that you’re getting the correct replacement components.

Failing to do so can jeopardize the overall functioning of your system so this step is crucial for commercial lighting maintenance.

Lighting Maintenance Is a Must

When it comes to lighting maintenance, there are no shortcuts. Investing in quality commercial lighting is a wise investment. But you’ll want to safeguard your investment with proper care and repairs.

If you’re looking for a reputable company with experience providing lighting maintenance, get in touch. We’ll show you how you can save time and money.


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